Mental Health Blog

How to Stop Enabling Grown Children and Why It’s Important

How to Stop Enabling Grown Children and Why It’s Important

How to Stop Enabling Grown Children and Why It's Important Parenting is a lifelong journey filled with countless responsibilities and challenges. As your children grow into adulthood, your role as a parent evolves. While providing support is natural, there comes a...

Why Do I Still Think About My Ex?

Why Do I Still Think About My Ex?

Why Do I Still Think About My Ex? Breakups can be emotionally taxing and complex, often leaving a lasting impression on our minds and hearts. It’s common to find yourself thinking about an ex long after the relationship has ended. These lingering thoughts can be...

What is Scapegoating and How Do You Avoid It?

What is Scapegoating and How Do You Avoid It?

What is Scapegoating and How Do You Avoid It? In human interactions, conflicts and misunderstandings are inevitable. One common yet harmful response to conflict is scapegoating. This practice, rooted in ancient rituals, involves unfairly blaming an individual or group...

What is Main Character Syndrome and How Do I Recognize It?

What is Main Character Syndrome and How Do I Recognize It?

What is Main Character Syndrome and How Do I Recognize It? In the age of social media, where everyone can curate their own digital persona, a fascinating psychological phenomenon known as "Main Character Syndrome" has emerged. This term, though not a formal...

How to Not Let Things Bother You: A Guide to Inner Peace

How to Not Let Things Bother You: A Guide to Inner Peace

How to Not Let Things Bother You: A Guide to Inner Peace  Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes, it's easy to let the little things get under our skin. Whether it's a stressful day at work, a minor disagreement with a friend, or simply the daily grind, learning...

How to Open Up to a Male Therapist

How to Open Up to a Male Therapist

How to Open Up to a Male Therapist Therapy is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, offering a safe space to explore our deepest thoughts and feelings. However, for some, the prospect of opening up to a therapist, particularly a male therapist, can be...

The Adult’s Guide to Coping with Loss & Grief

The Adult’s Guide to Coping with Loss & Grief

The Adult's Guide to Coping with Loss & Grief Grief is a journey that many of us will travel at some point in our lives. As adults, the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or even a cherished dream can bring us to a place of deep sorrow and confusion. In this...

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