Depression Therapy

Depression Therapy
Depression hurts.
You may feel alone and wonder if anyone around you notices or cares. You may even go through periods of deep isolation and distance yourself from the ones you love. Depression can feel like suffocation.
Please realize you are not alone.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 40 million people in the United States are affected by depression each year.
Causes of depression vary and may include a chemical imbalance in the brain and stressful life events, such as losing a loved one. Depression can range from a feeling of persistent sadness and a loss of interest in things one previously enjoyed to major depression, which can lead to people having difficulty getting out of bed and other physical and emotional conditions. Depression symptoms may seem overwhelming and daunting, but counseling can help.
At Washington Psychological Wellness, we can connect you with a therapist specialized in treating depression. We aim to guide and facilitate you through the process of self-discovery and to spark your internal resources, insight, and ability to grow and heal.
Am I Depressed Or Anxious?
Both depression and anxiety are often complex and challenging to diagnose. The best way to figure out whether you need therapy for anxiety, depression, or both is to speak with a doctor or mental health therapist. Psychological testing and assessment may also be helpful for psychodiagnostic clarification.
Some of the more common symptoms of each illness include:
Signs of Depression
- Intense emotions such as grief, sadness, and guilt
- Unusual emotions
- Change in weight or eating habits
- Lack of interest
- Trouble sleeping
- Lack of motivation, concentration, or both
- Thoughts of Suicide
Signs of Anxiety
- Constant worry
- Racing thoughts
- Feelings of fatigue
- Restlessness
- Lack of sleep
- Heart palpitations
- Nausea
- Intense periods of fear
Frequently Asked Questions About Depression Therapy
Do I need therapy for depression?
If you’re suffering from depression, you might find it hard to get help. One reason for this is that after a while, depression starts to seem familiar. It’s easy to forget you used to feel differently, so it’s hard to see you need depression help. Another reason is that depression makes you feel apathetic, as though there’s no point in getting help. While it’s normal to feel sad, sometimes, it’s not normal to feel intensely sad for a long time. Have you been suffering from depression for longer than a month or two? Do symptoms of significant depression interfere with your everyday life? If so, it’s time to get help and treat your depression.
How can therapy for depression help?
The form of depression treatment with the highest efficacy is talk therapy with a trained mental health clinician. Research suggests depression therapy is 3x more effective than medication alone. At Washington Psychological Wellness, our depression counseling treatment can provide targeted interventions using multiple modalities (CBT, DBT, Somatic Experiencing, Interpersonal Neurobiology, etc.). During your meetings with your therapist, you will be assessed to see what other things might be of benefit from medication referrals, exercise, diet, and support groups. Clients are offered assistance in understanding triggers that can cause depression. After such triggers are found, in many cases, the focus turns to learning successful coping strategies that help patients get past this problem. The counselors at Washington Psychological Wellness know how to identify and target depression issues and provide their patients with a means of working past them.
What are my next steps?
If you are ready to seek therapy for depression, contact Washington Psychological Wellness today. Our therapists are passionate about helping you achieve your mental wellness goals and overcoming the obstacles in your life. We aim to guide and facilitate you through the process of self-discovery and to spark your internal resources, insight, and ability to grow and heal.
Ready to seek depression therapy?
Book a 15 minute intro call